April 30, 2019





This section is dedicated to our students to share helpful resources available in the community. Here you will find internship and job opportunities as well as updates to our annual scholarship program. 

COMTO National Scholarship Program

COMTO’s National Scholarship Program supports our strategic goal of ensuring the continuing legacy of minorities in transportation. COMTO annually awards multiple national academic scholarships, ranging from $500 to $6,000 each, to minority graduate and undergraduate students from across the country. Scholarship awardees are represented in all academic backgrounds and pursuing various careers in the transportation industry.

COMTO Chapters collectively award close to $500,000 annually in academic scholarships to local applicants. 

General Requirements:Scholarship awards are distributed directly to the awardee’s academic institution. Applicants must be enrolling at an accredited college, university, or vocational/technical institution for the coming fall academic term. 


 For full details and to apply go to: 
