September 9, 2015


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COMTO’s mission is to provide full access to employment, career and contract opportunities for minorities and women within the transportation industry.

COMTO (Conference of Minority Transportation Officials) is a national not-for-profit organization founded in 1971, on the campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C. COMTO was created to provide a forum for senior minority professionals in the transportation industry. Over the past thirty years, our mandate has evolved to include not only public transportation industry executives, but also professionals at every level of industry encompassing a variety of fields and disciplines. Now, as was then, members are encouraged to share information, opportunities and personal expertise. With 40 chapters throughout the United States, our mission is as relevant today as we strive to provide full access to employment, career and contract opportunities for minorities within the transportation industry. A small group of professionals committed to this mission, founded the Colorado Chapter of COMTO in May 2004.

COMTO Colorado is committed to the same goals and objectives as national.

  • Promoting, strengthening and expanding the roles of minorities in all aspects of transportation;
  • Facilitating the link of public, private and academic institutions to support professional development among minorities in the transportation industry; and
  • Sponsoring and conducting local, state, and national forums that will enable the discussion of timely issues and topical concerns of the minority community.

In addition to the national COMTO goals and objectives, COMTO Colorado established the following goals and objectives:

  • Become a key resource center for Historically Underused Businesses (HUBs/DBEs)
  • Obtain financial and organization transparency
  • Achieve chapter growth and development through intermodal connections in the region
  • Grow membership by 25% and retain membership over the next 12 months
  • Maintain communication with industry agencies to promote contracting opportunities throughout Denver, within the state of Colorado and Nationwide
  • Provide professional development and training
  • Increase our scholarship program to include a mentor/protege program
  • Show value in the COMTO membership
  • Increase diversity among the membership

Homepage and other photos courtesy of RTD